COUNCIL+ ZEAL Residency is dedicated to crafting an inherently diverse and future-oriented wing of the visual art industry, offering a professional residency program as a meaningful momentum on artists' career pathways. The residency is specifically designed for artists who are critically engaged with the impact of networked technology on our culture and identity systems. We are interested in artistic explorations of the post-internet era, which investigate the development of identity and the creation of new artistic channels for collective fears and hopes.


- Location: Berlin
- Total amount of artist: 5
- Duration: 4 Months (November 2023 - Feburary 2024, final exhibition in March 2024)
- Artist Support: Working Budget, Living Expenses, Studio, Exhibition
- Languages: English with adequate proficiency for communication and collaboration; optional German knowledge
- Funding: Erasmus+ Grant "Small-scale Partnerships in Youth"


- Availability to work at least 20 hours a week in our studio in Berlin
- Available to start the Residency in November 2023
- Access to an independently organized accommodation in Berlin (can NOT be organized and funded by the residency)
- Aged between 18 and 30 (at the start of the project you can be 31 at the end of the project)
- There is no prerequisite to have undertaken a formal art education

As an artist, you are ready to make the most of the mentioned resources. You are open to developing and challenging yourself, working alongside positions that are vastly different from your own and being part of a community. Spending four months in the residency, you enter into an open-ended process where you can deepen your practices, and explore new territories, in and beyond the art field.


- Fully funded residency program: Total fee of €3400, payed out as a monthly fee of €800
- Access to different media workspaces and shared residency Studio located centrally Berlin Kreuzberg
- professional PR and Documentation of the entire residency for your personal use

Throughout the entire residency, the artists will be accompanied by a qualified team of curators, producers, and external mentors. The 4-month program is structured by independent working sequences, mentorships, discursive parts, skill sharing, public studio visits, and a closing exhibition scheduled for March.


  • - Deadline: Please send us your application to zealresidency@councilplus.eu until the 5th of November 2023 

  • Required files to send:
  • 1. CV
  • 2. Portfolio
  • 3. Statement (as in motivation)
4. rough sketch of what you would like to research and work on during the residency

Please note that we are looking for community oriented artists that don’t fear back from regular moments of exchange (both internally and with a broader public). We are looking for committed artists that are willing to make the most of the mentioned resources over the course of 4 months. You are open to develop and challenge yourself and to working alongside positions that might vastly differ from your own.

The mediums of art are open, we are intrested in having an extensive spectrum of mediums, works and forms of self-expression.


Visit our websites to delve deeper into the essence of our beings.